Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Christmas Present

So there I was in November preparing for my surgery in late April when I got a call from the original surgeon, there was an opening December 17th! Of course I jumped at it but it really came like a bolt from the blue. Two weeks after that the second surgeon also contacted me with a date at the end of January...amazing. So I said that I couldn't take that date but I did not cancel the April date in case some kind of disaster occurred with the December date.

I had only a couple of weeks to get a physical done and to prepare my home for my convalescence. A week before the surgery I attended a day long clinic with Occupational Therapists (OTs), Physio Therapists (PTs), a nurse and an Anesthetist. It went by in a blur and the next thing that I knew I was walking up to the hospital with my cane to get my new hip.

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