Monday, April 21, 2008

The Mandatory "Why This Blog" Entry

It is nice to have a formal theme, but this blog doesn't really have one.

One of my daily routines has been to visit a local eatery called "The Falafel Place". I visit there for morning coffee to get a break from the office. For many years it was just across the street from where I worked, although it moves from time to time and the moves always seem to take it further away.

Anyhow while attending The Falafel place, I eventually met and began having morning coffee with several interesting individuals who also took their morning repast around the same time. Extremely stimulating discussions ensued on a wide variety of topics. The person with whom I talked the most was Rick McNair, he passed away suddenly early in 2007. The other person that was part of our morning coffee, was Jim Welsh, a local University Professor and Photographer, among other things. At the time of this writing Jim is in the final stages of life, having been stricken with cancer late in 2007.

I learned an enormous amount from these two people but what I will miss the most is the opportunity to share ideas, particularly about books read and so on. I think that I was very fortunate to have met these individuals and to have learned and shared with them, that opportunity is not likely to arise again.

So I suppose the idea is to use this Blog to continue having discussions and to trust to kismet, fate, elan, whatever, that they will find their way to some new and interesting people.

I also feel that I should be writing more and hopefully having a Blog will encourage me to develop more discipline in that regard.

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